• User Links:


    to access our library's entire collection of books and resources via our online card catalog

    to read the headlines and ebooks; to conduct research and create timelines; or to explore places worldwide

    to log in for AR and Star Tests (available only at school)

    to search for books with AR tests and find reading levels, point values, and test numbers


    Be a Summer Reading Olympian!

    Click here to learn more about the summer reading program.



     "Let Your Knowledge Blossom with MAGNOLIA!" The MAGNOLIA database gives you useful and reliable information for your research projects.  


    Diedra Harris
    Librarian Media Specialist
    Phone: (601) 346-5660 X5381
    Hours of Operation:
    7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.


  • Welcome to Peeples Middle School Library
    Peeples Middle School Library

  • JPS Library Mission:

    The mission of the JPSD Library Media Program is to build a literacy foundation that will enable and empower its scholars to transition into life-long learners. The program will provide scholars the opportunity to be part of our vastly developing world through books, authentic learning experiences, resources from all points of views and cohesiveness with the district’s curriculum goals, objectives, and values.

    JPS Library Vision:

    All JPSD libraries will be the chief academic respondent to literacy, research and writing.

    Peeples Library Mission:

    The mission of the Peeples Library is to provide a wide array of resources, in both print and digital formats, to ensure that students, staff, and community patrons are effective users of ideas and information that support and sustain lifelong literacy and learning through reading and research. The library serves as the hub of the instructional program, and is guided by needs assessments and the overarching curriculum. Peeples Library supports and enriches teaching and learning by providing access to current and relevant resources in various formats that will meet the needs of globally-connected and diverse patrons. 

    Peeples Library Vision: 

    The vision of the Peeples Library is to create and sustain collaborative relationships among school librarians, students, and classroom teachers which transform the school library program into a support system that strengthens the curriculum by supporting and increasing academic and social capacities for all students.   

    Peeples Students Can:

    • check out up to 2 books at a time for up to two weeks 
    • come to the library accompanied by a teacher or with a signed pass from your teacher
    • return and check out books between 7:30-8:00 a.m. 
    • be safe, be responsible, and be respectful
    • demonstrate “buzz-worthy behavior” by meeting all library expectations 

    Peeples Teachers, Parents, and Community Members Can:

    • use library resources for research, collaboration, and other scholarly activities that support lifelong literacy and scholarly engagement
    •  advocate for libraries by modeling appropriate library use and modeling good reading habits