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( Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation. ( Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval. ( Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment. ( Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas. ( A persons right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views. ( Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use. Adopted June 18, 1948. Amended February 2, 1961, and January 23, 1980, Inclusion of age reaffirmed January 23, 1996, by the ALA Council (from Information Power, Building Partners for Learning. American Library Association, 1998. P 152. Librarian Responsibilities A librarian has a very important role in the school setting.Responsibilities of the librarian include: (( Providing a welcoming and respectful climate in the school library. (( Developing a vision, a mission, and long and short term goals* for the school library program with input from administrators, teachers, and students. (*See Appendix N) (( Developing a scheduling policy which provides open and flexible access for all students and teachers. (( Providing orientation and instruction for students and faculty in the use of the librarys materialsand equipment. (( Collaborating with teachers to plan and implement instructional units integrating the resources of the library with the classroom curriculum. (( Providing instruction and resources to reach diverse student needs. (( Ensuring that students have access to the library for class related research, individual investigation,independent reading, and personal inquiry. (( Encouraging reading by maintaining an awareness of students reading interests and by providing guidance in the selection of appropriate materials. (( Developing and implementing reading initiatives to motivate and engage each student inindependent reading. (See Section 3.3) (( Staying current on the latest technologies and their use for teaching and learning. (( Collaborating with teachers to integrate inquiry, 21st century learning standards, and technology skills into the school curriculum. (( Working with the technology coordinator to implement the technology plan for the school. (( Working with technology personnel to maintain working and up to date computers, Internet access and other technology peripherals. (( Implementing the use of technology in the school library program management and instruction. (( Providing access to a balanced, up to date collection of both print/non print and digital format materials, including technology, that meet the needs of students and teachers. (( Communicating regularly with administrators, teachers, students, and parents about library resources and programs in various forms (e.g., staffmeetings, newsletters, student newspaper, displays, web page). (( Participating in school curriculum planning meetings. 1 Table of Contents Introduction 鶹¼ Public Schools Mission Statement 鶹¼ Public Schools Vision Statement Walton Elementary School Mission Statement Library Mission Statement Objectives Hours of Operation Scheduling Student Conduct Library Media Committee Management System and Websites Student Checkout Staff Checkout Reference Materials Professional Collection Audio Video Materials/Equipment Periodicals Overdue Materials Lost and Damaged Books Selection Policy Selection Criteria Selection Tools Request for Media Center Purposes Collection Renewal Maintenance and Repair of Equipment Computer Guidelines Inventory Guidelines Book Fairs Accelerated Reader Accreditation Policy Patron Request Emergency Procedures Purpose The purpose of the policy and procedures manual is to provide a guide for the operation of the Walton Elementary Media Center that includes the primary library policies and procedures manual is to ensure that a guide is accessible for the faculty, staff, and students that describes what governs the operation of the library media center. It applies to all faculty, staff, and students at Walton Elementary School. An electronic copy is also available online on the library page of Waltons website. Goal The goal of the Walton library media center is to promote a love for reading that will develop an appreciation for books to become information literate and effective life-long readers. Walton Elementary School Media Center strives to provide patrons with materials that will enrich and support the educational program of the school. It is the responsibility of the school media center to provide a wide range of materials on different levels of difficulty, with diversity of appeal, and representing different points of view. The inclusion of any item in a collection does not necessarily mean that the media center or school advocates or endorses the contents of that item. Long and Short Term Goals Develop and/or solicit sponsors to generate reading programs that will motivate students to READ and become readers for a lifetime. (L) ( Provide up-to-date and relevant resources in a variety of formats to meet the various needs. (L) ( Provide printers/copiers that faculty, staff, and students will have access to in the library. (L) ( Solicit parental and community members involvement in developing and supporting the library media programs. (L) ( Keep the collection current and make the resources more accessible to the teaching and learning community. (S) ( Provide appropriate in-services training for teachers and students. (S) ( Ensure that all students have access to the library media center and library media programs.(S) ( Provide more computers that would accommodate at least a half of a class. (S) Mission Statement of 鶹¼ Public School District 鶹¼ Public Schools, an innovative, urban district committed to excellence, will provide every student a quality education in partnership with parents and the community. Vision Statement of the 鶹¼ Public School District Our vision is to become a top-ranked learning community that graduates productive, caring citizens who are prepared to succeed in a global society. Mission Statement of Walton Elementary School The mission of Walton Elementary School is to guarantee every student the right to learn essential educational skills needed to prosper throughout his or her life. Every student is encouraged to excel academically to his or her level of capability and to apply the knowledge learned. Mission Statement of Walton Elementary School Library Media Center The mission of Walton Elementary School Library Media Center is to ensure that students are effective users of ideas and information. The library media center strives to provide the school community with a wide range of materials on appropriate levels of difficulty that will encourage growth in knowledge, establish a life-long love of reading, and foster information literacy. Objectives The goals of the media specialists are; To teach students to access, evaluate, and use information. To maintain a well-balanced collection of media appropriate to the needs of the school. To provide assistance in locating and using instructional materials. To promote instruction in information literacy to students and faculty. To provide planned instructional materials that will stimulate growth in factual knowledge and literary appreciation. Library Media Center Hours of Operation Walton Elementary School Media Center is open from 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. every school day. Students 1st- 5th grades may visit the library from 7:30 a.m.-8:00 a.m. each morning to check out books and take tests on the Accelerated Reader program. Students 1st -5th may check out books during scheduled times with their class. Faculty members are welcome to browse and pick up materials in person or notify the librarian via note or student messenger. Scheduling Students PreK-5th grade visit the library once a week on a rotation schedule with the other special areas. The students visit to listen to stories, practice library skills and to check out books. The students may check out one book for a period of two weeks or longer if needed. Student Conduct Walton Elementary School Media must follow the established rules of acceptable behavior listed below. Failure to comply will result in the following consequences. School Rules Follow any teachers and other adults directions the first time given. Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself. Show respect to teachers, staff, adults, visitors and all school property. Wait to be recognized before speaking. Show active listening when the sign is given. Special Library Rules Take care of all library media center materials. Leave food and drink outside the library media center. Library Media Committee A media committee is formed at the beginning of each school year. Members include a volunteer teacher from each grade level and three 5th grade students. The committee will meet throughout the year to discuss library issues, programs, challenged materials and activities. Budget and technology decisions are made by the librarian and respective school committees. Throughout the school year, all faculty members are asked and encouraged to submit suggestions for library, media and technology purchases. Management System and Websites Library materials are circulated using the automation program, Alexandria. The program is available for look-up stations in the media center and classrooms. A school website http://jackson.k12.ms.us gives access to classrooms and homes for links to pertinent educational sites, announcements, and media center events. The Accelerated Reader quiz list and information concerning each student can be found at the same website. This information is made available to all parents. Student Checkout 1st -5th grade may check out one book per library visit. Materials are due back in two weeks to exchange, or may be renewed for an additional week as long as no has requested the title. Special permission for more materials may be granted when necessary for an assignment. Staff Checkout Faculty may check out unlimited numbers of materials as long as needed. Periodicals, audio visual materials, and equipment must be signed out at the circulation desk, if taken outside the library media center. Items should be returned after use so that others may use them. Reference Materials Reference materials are to be used by students in the library media center. Teachers may check out reference materials for use in the classroom when necessary. Professional Collection Professional collection may be checked out by staff with unlimited usage but should be returned after use so that others may use them. Audio Visual Materials/Equipment Students are not allowed to check out audio visual materials or equipment. Teachers may check out audio visual materials for use in the classroom. Periodicals Magazines and newspapers are not to be taken out of the library media center by students, but may be checked out by faculty members. Only current issues are displayed. Back issues must be requested at the circulation desk. Overdue Materials Overdue notices are sent home periodically. There are no fines for overdue books. Lost and Damaged Books If a book is lost or damaged, the book must be paid for before additional books can be checked out. The replacement cost of the book is quoted on the overdue notice. Payment for a lost book is reimbursed should the book be found and returned in good condition. Students who owe money to the library lose their privilege for borrowing more materials and will not receive their final report card. Selection Policy The needs of the Walton Elementary School Media Center are based on knowledge of the curriculum and of the existing collection. These needs are given first consideration in the selection of materials used to enhance the classroom curriculum. Selection is based on extensive consultation between the librarian and the teachers; close communication is essential in developing a collection that is relevant to the curriculum. Requests for purchases are always welcome. The librarian is responsible for selecting materials, building and maintaining the collection. Selection Criteria The following criteria are recommended as a guide to selecting the best resources for the library media center Literary and artistic excellence Lasting importance or significance to a field of knowledge Support of the curriculum and educational goals of the school Favorable recommendations by educational professionals Reputation and significance of the author, illustrator, or publisher Timeliness of the material Contribution to the diversity of the collection Appeal to media center patrons Suitability for intended use Selection Tools The librarian consults reputable, unbiased, professionally prepared review sources such: The School Library Journal The New York Times Book Review Horn Book Booklist Request for Media Center Purchases Because the media center strives to support the curriculum needs of the patrons, faculty members are strongly encouraged to take an active role in media center purchase. Requests for purchase are always welcome. A collection development questionnaire is given to all faculty members at the beginning of each school year. The faculty is asked to give suggestions for materials based on genre, topics, or concepts that they need to support their instructional program. These questionnaires are used to aid in the selection process Collection Renewal (Weeding) The librarys collection will continually be evaluated in accordance with curriculum changes, new material formats, interests and needs of users, and changing instructional methods. Weeding is essential to maintain a relevant and attractive collection. Materials will be removed from the collection when items: Are no longer needed to support the curriculum or student or faculty interests Are superseded by more current information Are in poor physical condition Contain obsolete subject matter Contain inaccurate information Have low circulation statistics Appropriate measures will be taken to dispose of discarded materials. Maintenance and Repair of Materials Materials will be repaired when possible. Books are repaired by the librarian when deemed repairable. Equipment will be repaired when it will cost less to repair than to replace. When it is deemed cost effective for equipment to be repaired a work order will be entered in the office requesting repair. Computer Guidelines All students are allowed access to the computers. Students must have signed and returned the Internet Acceptable use Policy in order to use the Internet. Students may use the Internet only for research and educational purposes. Students may not check personal e-mail, play recreational games, use instant messaging, and visit chat rooms or social network sites. Students may also use the computers in the library to search Alexandria (an automated card catalog) to search for books in the library) and take Accelerated Reader tests. Students must ask for permission before printing. If a student accesses an inappropriate site, the student will lose all privileges to the computers for the remainder of the year. Inventory Guidelines It is the District policy that a physical inventory is taken by designated JPSD personnel at least once per fiscal year. The fiscal year begins on July 1 of each year and ends by June 30th of the following year. The actual inventory process shall be the responsibility of the Principal or Property Manager (Librarian) for the school. Please adhere to the following guidelines established by JPS in order for our school, Bates Elementary, to have successful audits! Any staff member that has bar-coded equipment/property in his her possession must fill out an Office of Property and Equipment log form. The log form must include all property/equipment listed on the printout from the Marathon database given to you. The Equipment and Property log form must be posted in the classroom/office (preferably by the door.) Equipment such as the laptop computer, digital camera, etc. must be signed out at the media centers circulation desk if taken outside the school. It must be approved by the principal. Please keep laptop locked up when not in use. You may give it to the librarian to lock in the vault. Teachers or administrative staff is ultimately responsible for the laptop computer/equipment they carry home. Should it become lost, stolen, or otherwise damaged while in the staff members possession, the staff member will be required to reimburse the school district for the reimbursement for the replacement value of the computer. (Source: JPS District , August 18, 1997) Staff must not move any equipment/property from assigned space. Permission MUST be granted by the principal. Requests must be made in writing. If you have personal items in your assigned space such as microwaves, refrigerators, televisions, DVDs, VCRs, printers, cameras, or any other personal property, you must fill out a Personal Affidavit form. Hang on the wall next to property and equipment log. To report theft or vandalism of an asset, contact the principal as soon as the theft or vandalism has been discovered. Supervisor will complete a Report of Stolen and Vandalized Assets. To report stolen or missing property, staff must immediately notify principal/property manager when item(s) of JPSD are noticed stolen/missing. The supervisor will immediately investigate the complaint and follow guidelines outlined by the district. It is encouraged that all staff assigned property belonging to the JPSD, who will be away from those items for more than five working days, do a visual inspection before departure and immediately upon returning for any discrepancy. A complete guide of the inventory process is available for view in the library. If you have any questions regarding the inventory process, please contact the Principal/Librarian. We must at all times, be good stewards of the tax dollars for which the citizens have entrusted in us. Book Fairs There are generally two book fairs held at Walton Elementary each year. The book fairs are run by the librarian and profit from the book fairs go towards the needs of the library as decided on an annual basis by the librarian. One of the items that is supported is the Accelerated Reader program. The funds will always be used for library needs and will directly benefit the students at Walton Elementary. Accelerated Reading The media center is responsible for the maintenance and support of the Accelerated Reading and STAR programs. Accelerated Reader is an individual reading program that allows each student to excel at his or her own pace and ability level and is designed to increase reading comprehension. The most important goal regarding (AR) is to encourage a love for reading by developing confidence through practice. It allows teachers to set goals, track growth, and monitor comprehension. Teachers are encouraged to allow students to take their AR tests in the classroom. If time permits, students will be allowed to take AR tests in the library also. Students are encouraged to bring AR reading log folder to the library. Once a student completes a test, he or she may check out another book if they are in good standing with the library. (No fines). The Star program is a computer test that gives each student a reading zone. Students in grades 1st-5th participate in these programs. Accelerated Reader tests are available ONLY between 7:30-2:30. Accreditation Policy According to the AdvancED state director, Dr. Harold Fisher, the standards now are all research based. Librarians no longer use the numerical requirements. Library media specialists are currently using Standards 3 and 4 under AdvancED Standards for Quality Schools. A complete hard copy of the Indicators can be reviewed in the Policies and Procedures Manual. ( Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning The schools curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning. ( Standard 4: Resources and Support System The school has resources and provides Patron Request Whenever a faculty, staff, or students have a recommendations for books, periodicals, or software that they feel should be added to the library media collection, they should notify the library media specialist immediately and make their request. A hard copy is located in the back of this manual. 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If students are in the library during a tornado or severe storms they should remain in the library media center with their classroom teacher or the library media specialist and follow the instructions that are printed in the Teachers Handbook. Students should not talk during the fire or tornado drills. I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. 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