ࡱ> _b^O Sbjbjң 8VeeSLLD,:h h h v,x,x,x,x,x,x,$1/1,#h h ##,,%%%#v,%#v,%%:*,6+?#* b,,0,*Rw2#0w26+6+w2J+h 2!%!t6"h h h ,,.%h h h ,####w2h h h h h h h h h L W:  JACKSON PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT 鶹¼, Mississippi Date: April 07, 2020 Board of Trustees 鶹¼ Public School District 鶹¼, Mississippi Ladies and Gentlemen: Presented for your review on the attached page(s) are the bid tabulations for the formal bid proposals which were received in response to the bid solicitations indicated below. Bids were publicly advertised and opened according to all legal requirements (Mississippi Code of 1972, 31-7-13). All bids were tabulated, analyzed and based upon compliance with the specifications; the "lowest and best" bids were determined. Recommendations concerning the award of bids received for each bid category are contained on the attached page(s). Please consider recommendations for the following: Bid NumberOpening DateBid NameBid 311903/03/2020Career Development Center Door ReplacementBid 312003/03/2020Career Development Center Restroom Renovations It is recommended that the following action be taken by the Board of Trustees: A. AN ORDER be adopted ratifying the prior solicitation of bid proposals for the equipment, supplies, commodities and/or services in each bid category indicated above. B. AN ORDER be adopted authorizing the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to issue purchase orders and/or execute contracts and all related documents on behalf of the Board of Trustees to the vendors deemed to have submitted the lowest and best bids as indicated on the attached pages. C. AN ORDER be adopted to reject the bid of bidders who failed to comply with bid requirements, for the reason(s) indicated with each bid category, on the attached pages. D. AN ORDER be adopted to authorize the informal purchase of items according to all legal requirements and to the extent allowed under the law (Mississippi Code 1972, Annotated, 31-7-13(b)) for which no formal bids were received as indicated in the detailed support documentation on file in the Business Office. Submitted by: Sharolyn Miller Chief Financial Officer Recommendation approved by: Dr. Errick L. Greene, Superintendent Superintendent of Schools Information about the Content and Formatting of the Attached Bid Tabulation Sheet(s) Pursuant to the legal requirements as outlined in the Mississippi Code 1972, Annotated, 31-7-13(d), all bid proposals received were compared to the written bid specifications and the recommendation to purchase or for rejection is indicated on the following pages, as per the manner prescribed below. Recommendation to Purchase: The recommendation to purchase from or award a contract to any vendor, is indicated on the attached tabulation sheet(s) by placing Low Bid to the right of the vendors name/pricing and bolding the information. Rejection of an Item or an Entire Bid: The law requires that the District clearly state why in each instance that the lowest bid received is not the recommended lowest and best bid. The specific reason that an item or service, or a vendors entire bid proposal, must be deemed "irregular" or non-compliant with the written bid specifications and therefore cannot be recommended for purchase, is indicated on the attached tabulation sheet(s) by drawing a line through the vendors name/pricing and indicating the rejection reason beside the item. Unit Price Differences Between the Lowest and the Lowest and Best Bid: The unit price of all items is indicated and a difference between the bid unit price of the proposed item being rejected and the unit price of the item being recommended for purchase as the "lowest and best" can easily be computed from the data on the following pages. For each item, please see the attached tabulation sheet(s) for the bid name and number and opening date, item description, unit of measure, quantity purchased, and the unit or total pricing submitted by all vendors offering bid proposals. Minority Vendor Participation in the Bid Process: At the direction of the Board, all minority and women owned and operated vendors offering bid proposals are identified on the attached tabulation sheets, for informational purposes only. The following coding has been used: "M" Minority (Male) owned and operated business "W" Women (Non-minority) owned and operated business "B" Minority (Women) owned and operated business N Non-Minority owned and operated business Bid 3119 (03-03-20) CDC Door Replacement Funding Source: 3914-900-5600-000-450-092 Recommendation: Lena Franklin VendorLocationBase BidNFountain Construction Co., Inc.鶹¼, MS$ 81,250.00Alternate #1 $47,750.00Alternate #2 $ 33,000.00Alternate #3 $ 85,000.00WMayrant & Associates, LLC鶹¼, MS$102,000.00Alternate #1 $36,600.00Alternate #2 $31,800.00Alternate #3 $ 46,500 Bid 3120 (03-03-20) CDC Restroom Renovations Funding Source: 3914-900-5600-000-450-092 Recommendation: Lena Franklin VendorLocationBase BidNFountain Construction Co., Inc.鶹¼, MS$264,000.00Alternate #1 $81,000.00Alternate #2 $96,000.00Alternate #3 $79,000.00WMayrant & Associates, LLC鶹¼, MS$279,000.00Alternate #1 $83,000.00Alternate #2 $111,500.00Alternate #3 $67,000.00  459:;JKQS]|  ¸ࠒ|oa|RHh4EjOJQJ^Jh^ohh/N@OJQJ^Jh^ohh/NOJQJ\^Jh^oh^oOJQJ^Jh^ohh/NOJQJ^Jh4$hh/NCJh4$hNv5OJQJ^Jh4$hh/N5OJQJ^JhOtOJQJ^Jh1hOJQJ^Jh`OJQJ^JhEOJQJ^Jhh/NOJQJ^Jh4$hh/NOJQJ^Jh4$hh/NCJ^JaJ hh/N^J 5K]|    $ H$Ifa$$ Ha$gd^o $ Ha$$ Ha$gdz$ Ha$gd^ogd^o   $ % / 0 Z [ \ d e o p nvۿ۱ۙۙugg]SgghdOJQJ^JhNvOJQJ^Jh4$hh/N5OJQJ^Jh4$h4IOJQJ^Jh4Ih4IOJQJ^JhOtOJQJ^Jh4IOJQJ\^Jh4$hDOJQJ^Jh4IhDOJQJ\^Jh='hDOJQJ\^Jh1hhDOJQJ\^JhOtOJQJ\^Jh4$hh/NOJQJ^Jh4$h4EjOJQJ^J  % 0 [ PG>5 $Ifgd:} $Ifgd4 $IfgdL skd$$IflLFT D%P 0%    4 lapyt='[ \ e p tkbY $Ifgd:} $Ifgd4 $IfgdL skd$$Ifl4FT D%P0%    4 laf4yt=' jthh[LLLL$ a$gdw>{ $ a$gdw>{ $ Ha$kd$$Ifl4FT D%P0%    4 laf4yt='jk :$ *$a$gdFD $ *$a$ *$$ Ha$gdO1 $ Ha$ HH^Hgd1$ Ha$$ a$gdw>{ /0:GHhi魣rerXrIh4$hh/N@OJQJ^Jhl`5@OJQJ^Jh*5@OJQJ^Jh4$hh/N5@OJQJ^Jhl`OJQJ^Jh4$hO1OJQJ^JhLZ OJQJ^Jh(OJQJ^JhO1OJQJ^JhNvOJQJ^Jh1h1OJQJ^Jh1h1OJQJ^Jh1hh/NOJQJ^Jh4$hh/NOJQJ^Jh^oOJQJ^JSW_f_c#$BCV6չȝȝsdTdTTdh4$hh/N5@OJQJ^Jh4$hh/N@OJQJ^JhwhFD>*ϴwFϴwFOϴwF5@OϴFOϴ<}hFD@OJQJ^Jhl`5@OJQJ^Jh<}hFD5@OJQJ^Jh4$hFD@OJQJ^Jhh/N@OJQJ^J%"#$V6g $ a$ $ *$a$$ x*$^`xa$$ *$a$gdFD$ x*$^`xa$gdFD$ h*$^ha$gdFD6   ÷{mSF3F{%hohoB*CJPJ^JaJphhohoCJ^JaJ3hoho5B*CJOJPJQJ\^JaJphhohoCJ\^JaJhoCJaJho5CJ\^JaJho5CJOJQJ^JaJho#@OJQJ^Jh:}@OJQJ^JhF@OJQJ^Jh _h@OJQJ^Jh4@OJQJ^Jhh/N@OJQJ^JhFD@OJQJ^Jh4$hh/NOJQJ^J   :d$Ifgdo $ *$a$]TNTT$If $$Ifa$kd$$IflF\LhPX F,FF t0 !44 lBayto &]TTTNHTH$If$If $$Ifa$kd$$IflF\LhPX FF,FF t0 !44 lBayto  %&'()*+,.HST`abpz{()江汔ر~lZ#h *h *5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h0h05CJOJQJ^JaJho#@OJQJ^JhoOJQJ^Jho5CJ^JaJ"ho5B*CJPJ^JaJph*hoB*CJOJPJQJ\^JaJphhoCJaJ *hohohoCJOJQJ^JaJho5CJ\^JaJ *hoCJ\^JaJ!&'()*+]TNTT$If $$Ifa$kd$$IflF\LhPX F,FF t0 !44 lBayto+,.H/& $If $$Ifa$kdW$$IflF\LhPX ,  t(0 !44 lap(ytoHT`abp{TNNN$Ifkdp$$IflF\LhPX FF,FF t0 !44 lBayto $$Ifa$ TOC>>gd0 $ *$a$gdokd.$$IflF\LhPX F,FF t0 !44 lBayto $$Ifa$ ()*1:CDEkd$$IflF\hPX h,044 lalyt=$$$@&Ifa$gd *gd *gd0)CDF~׾vdJBB *h *h *3 *h *h *B*CJOJPJQJ\^JaJph#h *h *CJOJQJ\^JaJ3 *h *h *5B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJph&h *h *5CJOJQJ\^JaJ3h *h *5B*CJOJPJQJ\^JaJph0h *h *5B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJph h *h *CJOJQJ^JaJ-h *h *B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJphDFfr~Ikd$$IflF\hPX h,044 lalyt= $Ifgd * $$@&Ifgd *IkdP$$IflF\hPX h,044 lalyt= $Ifgd * $$@&Ifgd *!kd $$IflF\hPX h, (044 lalp(yt * $$@&Ifgd *)45BLMNOPQSàòòsbVJh:}@OJQJ^Jho#@OJQJ^J h0h0CJOJQJ^JaJ#h0h05CJOJQJ^JaJ&h *h *5CJOJQJ\^JaJ h *h *#h *h *CJOJQJ\^JaJ h *h *CJOJQJ^JaJ-h *h *B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJphh *h *CJ^JaJ0h *h *B*CJOJPJQJ\^JaJph)Ikd $$IflF\hPX h,044 lalyt= $$@&Ifgd * $Ifgd *)5BMNOPIDDgd0kd $$IflF\hPX h,044 lalyt= $$@&Ifgd * $Ifgd *PQRS $ *$a$6&P1h:p^o/ =!"#$% $$If!vh#v#v#vP:V lL 0%555P4pyt='$$If!vh#v#v#vP:V l40%555P4f4yt='$$If!vh#v#v#vP:V l40%555P4f4yt='$$If!vh#v#v,#v#v:V lF t0 !55,55/ Bayto$$If!vh#v#v,#v#v:V lF t0 !55,55/ Bayto$$If!vh#v#v,#v#v:V lF t0 !55,55/ Bayto$$If!vh#v#v,#v#v:V lF  t(0 !55,55/ ap(yto$$If!vh#v#v,#v#v:V lF t0 !55,55/ Bayto$$If!vh#v#v,#v#v:V lF t0 !55,55/ Bayto$$Ifl!vh#vh#v,#v#v:V lF05h5,55/ alyt=$$Ifl!vh#vh#v,#v#v:V lF05h5,55/ alyt=$$Ifl!vh#vh#v,#v#v:V lF05h5,55/ alyt=$$Ifl!vh#vh#v,#v#v:V lF (05h5,55/ alp(yt *$$Ifl!vh#vh#v,#v#v:V lF05h5,55/ alyt=$$Ifl!vh#vh#v,#v#v:V lF05h5,55/ alyt="w02 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@6666_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH H@H  Heading 1$$@&a$5OJQJ\\@\  Heading 2$$ H@&a$5CJOJQJ^Jbb Heading 3#$ @ T@&^T`5\mHnHuPP  Heading 4$$@&a$5CJOJQJ\aJPP  Heading 5$$@&a$5CJOJQJ\^J\\  Heading 6)$$ @ T@&^T`a$5\ff  Heading 7#$ @ T@&^T`5CJOJQJ\^JXX  Heading 8$ \ @&5CJOJQJ\^Jx x Heading 9) $$ TxT@&^T`a$!5CJOJQJ\^JmHnHuDA D Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List R>@R Title$ HPa$5CJOJQJaJpCp Body Text Indent&$ *$^`a$@CJOJQJ<< Header  !CJaJ2B"2 Body TextaJfR2f Body Text Indent 2$^`a$CJOJQJ^JBPBB Body Text 2CJOJQJ^JVQRV Body Text 3$ @ a$5\mHnHuH/aH emailstyle199CJOJQJ^JphF/qF emailstyle17CJOJQJ^Jph@@ toa (#$*$CJOJQJaJF/F emailstyle15CJOJQJ^JphS Body Text Indent 3S$ /p(p@ P !$%7$8$H$^%`a$B*CJOJQJ^Jph3fb/b Default 7$8$H$-B*CJOJQJ^J_HaJmH phsH tH :: TOC 2  $ :CJaJD"D Caption$a$5CJOJQJaJXX Quick A."05$7$8$9DH$^`0 OJQJaJ./. 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