Repurposing FAQs

  • Q1. How long will the evaluation process take?

    JPS will evaluate proposals on a rolling basis beginning on July 17, 2024, and continuing on the third Wednesday of every second month. Once a window for submissions closes, it will be reviewed internally by members of the JPS Repurposing team for completion. If there are any immediate questions, the Repurposing team will contact the proposer. Following the initial review, of the proposal the Repurposing team will evaluate and score submitted proposals according to the criteria posted on the website. After this review, the proposals will be presented to the FRAC for feedback. This occurs on the first Thursday of each month. Following the FRAC meeting, the proposer will be notified if their proposal has been selected to be submitted to the JPSD Board.  If selected, the respondent(s) is/are expected to present their proposal to the JPSD Board at the next board meeting which occurs on the First and Third Tuesday of each month. If the Board approves the proposal, the respondent and Repurposing team will immediately begin working toward closing. Expectations for this can be found in the Repurposing guidelines posted on the Repurposing website.

    Q2. Do all proposals have to be evaluated and scored through the Repurposing Proposal Evaluation process? Will JPS pre-approve any proposals? 

    JPS will NOT pre-approve any proposals involving surplus school properties. All proposals must be evaluated and scored according to the criteria outlined in the Repurposing Proposal Guidelines and approved by the Board of Trustees.

    Q3. What focus or priorities will guide the disposition of the surplus school buildings?

    JPS will prioritize proposals that support the interests of the School District which are to promote and foster the development and improvement of the community in which it is located and the civic, social, educational, cultural, moral, residential, economic, or industrial welfare thereof, and promote the financial strength of the School District. Please review the Proposal Guidelines posted on the Repurposing Initiative website to review the Proposal Scoring Criteria.

     Q4. How does JPS plan to engage the community in this process?

    Understanding and supporting the community in this process has been a priority of JPS from the beginning. The Proposal Guidelines require proposers to outline how they plan to address community concerns. The scoring criteria heavily weigh the proposer’s ability to demonstrate community engagement and response to notable community concerns.

    Additionally, buyers/leasers will be required to enter into a Community Benefits Agreement that will survive the closing date.

    The Repurposing Website will be the main hub for the latest updates throughout the process. It will serve as a place where anyone, including community members, can get information on the process.

    Q5. What if my proposal is not selected? Can I resubmit during a future window?

    Yes. Proposals that are incomplete or rejected can be resubmitted in future windows with the expectation that issues cited in the rejection have been rectified. Resubmitted proposals with unaddressed issues will not be further evaluated.

     Q6. Who will be my primary point of contact after the RFP is submitted?

    Respondents will coordinate directly with for all updates and questions. At times, another member of the Repurposing team may reach out, but this email will be the primary contact for all issues related to the RFP process and submission.

     Q7. Is 16th Section Land available for purchase?

    The scope and focus of the JPS Repurposing Initiative do not include entertaining purchase options of 16th Section properties. However, proposals for ground leases or conventional space leasing will be entertained.

    Q8. Many of the school properties available for repurposing include portable buildings. Will JPS be removing these buildings prior to the sale of the property?

    JPS plans to remove the portable buildings unless specifically requested otherwise.

Last Modified on 麻豆社事件 2, 2024